
China's Esports Market in 2017 A Comprehensive Overview.
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China's Esports Market in 2017 A Comprehensive Overview.
发布日期:2024-04-11 00:18    点击次数:181

China's Esports Market in 2017 A Comprehensive Overview.

Overview of China's Esports Market in 2017

China's esports industry has grown rapidly in recent years, driven by factors such as government support, the rise of mobile gaming, and increasing mainstream acceptance of esports. In 2017, China's esports market experienced significant growth and reached new heights.

The Size of China's Esports Market

In 2017, China's esports market was estimated to be worth over 90 billion RMB (approximately 13.6 billion USD), according to a report by Tencent. This represents an increase of nearly 40% compared to 2016. The report also revealed that over 430 million people in China were esports fans or participants, indicating a huge potential market for the industry.

Major Esports Events in China

China hosted a number of major esports events in 2017, including the League of Legends World Championship, the Dota 2 Asia Championships, and the World Electronic Sports Games. These events drew significant attention from fans and media both in China and around the world, cementing China's position as a leader in the global esports industry.

Government Support for Esports

The Chinese government has shown strong support for the esports industry in recent years, viewing it as a key driver for economic growth and international influence. In 2017, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism published a set of guidelines for the development of esports, highlighting the importance of creating a favorable environment for the industry. Additionally, several provinces and cities in China have launched esports initiatives and investment funds to support the local industry.

Mobile Gaming and Esports

Mobile gaming has become an increasingly important part of China's esports market in recent years. In 2017, mobile esports games such as King of Glory and Honor of Kings gained huge popularity, with millions of daily active users and millions in revenue. These games also sparked controversy over concerns about addiction and negative effects on young people, leading to government regulation and scrutiny.

The Future of China's Esports Market

The growth of China's esports industry shows no signs of slowing down, with continued support from the government, increasing mainstream acceptance, and the rise of mobile gaming. However, challenges such as player burnout, game addiction, and competition from other forms of entertainment will need to be addressed in order for the industry to sustain its growth and success.